Academic Program
Students can choose one of the following courses (6 ECTS credits each):
Business Module: International Marketing & Sales
The module International Marketing and Sales deals with the growing importance of Marketing Management for the success of a product and the company. In many industries the ever increasing product adaption and the fierce intensity of competition is placing specific demands on marketing and sales. The absence of differentiation potentials of the actual product can often be compensated by innovative sales and distribution concepts and channels, customer-focused advice and support, as well as effective processes and systems. At the same time sales plays a fundamental role for complex and innovative products and influences the economic success of a company. Empirical studies show e.g. the high success relevance of the sales process: besides product satisfaction, customer satisfaction in the actual sale and after service is a customer loyalty factor – or the reason for customer churn. As a result the sales department is gaining strategic importance with the company management. The teaching and learning contents and objectives as well as the structure of the module are geared mainly towards students of economics and business administration.
This module is composed of lectures, tutorials and excursions which provide knowledge about the use of international marketing tools.
Students will learn how to manage complex international marketing concepts. Different requirements of BtoB and BtoC customer segments, various industries as well as of selling services or products are considered in this module study.
More information can be found in the detailed course description.
Interdisciplinary Module: Digital Transformation and Intercultural Communication: the transformative power of digital communication in and on culture
In today’s digitalized society the constant flow of communication is regarded as a fundamental and integral part of everyday life. Rapid developments in media technologies engender digitalized transformation on all levels of society.
Especially in these times, how can we grasp the multifold international perspectives within these rapidly evolving transformative processes? To answer this question, this class will take a closer look at the diverse perspectives involved.
- How does each country and culture tackle the digital challenges?
- Is there a common ground?
- What is the impact of different forms of digital media on our daily life: Our work, our spare-time, the ways of communication, the ways we relax, the ways we interact?
- How do we make use of different media for emotion regulation, for exchange of ideas, for opinion-building? And – on the other side – how do the diverse forms of digital media affect us?
This class will explore these questions and discuss the challenges on all levels of society. On an individual level, working from home leads to challenges for parents and children. Boundaries of private and public domain are blurring. We struggle with digital burn out. On a mezzo level, our social environment has been transferred into the digital realm, forming digital communities in working and learning environments for some and potentially excluding others, leading to challenges for all who are involved. On a macro level, we are constantly connected.
This class will investigate the processes of mutual shaping of digital media and social life and discuss how new media technologies influence and infiltrate social practices and cultural life. We will extend this discussion of media’s role in transforming the everyday life by including in the discussion the individual groups of society. We draw on existing research to illustrate how digital cultures manifest all levels and elaborate on the constitutive characteristics. We conclude with implications of this conceptualization for the understanding of our everyday life as intermixed with technologies.
Additionally, the seminar will introduce students to fundamental concepts, theories, and topics in the study of intercultural communication. Students will focus on differences between intercultural communication, cross-cultural communication, and inter-discourse communication. We will discuss societal, economical, and governmental structures and how these are shaped and formed by culture and how these, in turn, affect us.
Lastly, students will also describe their own cultural background, and additionally share personal incidents of intercultural interactions.
More information can be found in the detailed course description.
Ms. Jessica Mayer
Email: short-term@h-da.de
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